Christopher Williams
Untitled (Beauty, happiness at ground level. A carpet of pure new wool embellishes everything that it touches. If you have never seen your furniture on a beautiful carpet, then you have never seen it. If you have never walked barefoot, in your house, on the softness of wool, then you are ignoring a great pleasure. Because a good carpet, of true, vibrant, natural wool, makes life more beautiful. Strict laboratory tests have verified all the qualities of the velvet, 100% pure new wool carpets that merit the Woolmark label: purity, strength, comfort, sound- and thermal-insulation, resistance of colors, non-inflammability, easy maintenance, permanent moth-proof treatment. Choosing a carpet is a serious matter. A matter of happiness. So, always check the Woolmark label. You will be certain to have a carpet of 100% pure new wool. You will be certain that you are making the best business. In pure new wool, it's a real carpet. Ask for Woolmark.) Studio Rhein Verlag, Dusseldorf February 29, 2016, 2016
Inkjet print on cotton rag paper
38 1/8 x 33 1/4 x 1 1/2 in
96.8 x 84.5 x 3.8 cm (framed)