Didier William: Nou Kite Tout Sa Dèyè

Didier William
Didier William: Nou Kite Tout Sa Dèyè: Didier William
$ 45.00

Published by Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, 2023

144 pages, 10.2 x 9 × 0.7 in, hardcover



The first monograph on William's acclaimed, lush explorations of immigrant experience.


Published on the occasion of the Haitian-born, Philadelphia-based artist's largest solo museum exhibition to date, Didier William: Nou Kite Tout Sa Dèyè presents an expansive view of William's (born 1983) career through the lens of race, immigration, and personal and collective memory. Featuring more than 40 full-color images of William's monumental paintings, lush printmaking practice and a large-scale sculpture commissioned for the exhibition, the book (whose title translates as "we've left that all behind"―an oft-cited phrase by Haitian immigrants to the US) blends a recontextualization of the art historical canon with an incisive look at Miami, where William was raised. With work spanning decades, this catalog builds on the foundation already built for this engaging emerging artist.